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Time for our topic of the week, identifying our unique offering!
Most entrepreneurs and small business owners share a common goal – to grow their business, but many of us struggle with this. We are no different. Last year, in an effort to grow our business, we decided to engage a marketing firm to help. We spent thousands of dollars for them to remake our website, update our public image, and do advertising and social media marketing campaigns to increase the lead flow to our business. We went through this for several months of using this marketing firm, and after all that time, we had not received a single lead. Perhaps some of you have had better luck following this route (if so, let us know what made the difference!), but in our experience, many entrepreneurs go through similar experiences as ours and can relate to this. So why do we so often fail to generate even a fraction of the leads we hoped to receive from these big campaigns? And what can we do to have more effective marketing? I don’t profess to be a marketing expert, but I hope to address at least one of the factors that we have seen have a huge impact on attracting more business, and even more important, to attract more of the kind of customers you want. It is true that not all leads are the same. We can get a thousand leads a month, but if none of them care about or need the product you are offering, we’re not going to be any better off. It is essential that we are able to attract the type of customers that we want, our best customers. This comes from understanding our unique offering, i.e. that thing that makes you uniquely different from your competition.
The Pumpkin Plan Process
As we guide entrepreneurs through the pumpkin plan program (if you haven’t read “The Pumpkin Plan” here’s a link to the book on Amazon. I highly recommend it!), one of the most important and valuable exercises we go through is helping them to interview their top customers to discuss how they can serve the customer better. It is a revealing and transformational experience every time! During that interview, they ask the customer questions such as,
“When working with a business like mine, what impresses you the most?”
“What are your biggest complaints about businesses in my industry? What do you wish they would do differently?”
“If you could ask for anything and get it, what would it be? What do you wish we would offer?”
Through this experience, we are able to peer into the hearts and minds of our top customers, the customers we value the most and who value us the most, to understand what matters most to them. We start to see clearly what we do that has the biggest impact on our customers. In our experience, the answers are usually quite different from what we expect, which is one major reason our marketing and messaging are so often ineffective.
A Real Entrepreneur’s Experience
We went through this exercise with one of our clients whose business provides training to drivers seeking to get a commercial driver’s license. During the interview with all their top clients, our client was surprised to hear almost the same responses from every person. They said that the thing that impressed them so much about their experience with our client was that he guided them through the entire process of getting a CDL license from start to finish (when the client received the license), so they didn’t have to go through the process blind. Many of our client’s competitors would provide the training and stop there, but our client went above and beyond, ensuring every client had the best experience possible. This was our client’s unique offering. This is what made him stand out and made him better than everyone else out there. Then we looked together at our client’s website to see what his messaging was to attract new customers. On the website, it said things like, “We’ve been in business for 10 years, we have the best prices, etc. It didn’t mention anything about the unique and personal experience he provided to every customer. Can you guess what messaging each one of his competitors had? They were saying almost the same exact things as our client! There’s no way he could stand out with that kind of messaging.
When we start focusing our messaging and marketing around the things that our top clients want and what they most like about us, we are infinitely more capable of attracting more of those types of clients. It changes everything about the effectiveness of our marketing and the flow of leads into our business.
If you are having trouble growing your customer base or bringing in more leads to your business (or even if you’re not), we really believe this is an extremely valuable exercise for you also. Take some time this week to write down what you feel like your unique offering is. Even better, schedule interviews with your top clients/customers. This will quickly help you find that thing that makes you special to them and to start articulating your unique offering. Then focus your messaging and marketing around that thing.
The process really works! We’ve seen it with everyone that has put in the effort and, for each of them, it has transformed their business. If you would like a guide as you work through this process, we are here for you. Click here to schedule a call with us to learn more!
Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
Adam Litster
Certified Profit First Professional and Pumpkin Plan Strategist
(816) 500-5779